Pet Emergency & Scheduled C-Sections In Baytown, TX

Having a pregnant pet can be a joyful event, and the prospect of getting small furbabies makes it even more exciting. However, pregnancy is never easy, and labor even less so. When your pet is in labor and things aren't going as smoothly as they should, it's important to act fast and get your pet to Baytown Animal Hospital so an emergency c-section can be performed.

In certain circumstances, such as your pet having a higher risk of complications because of underlying health conditions, being pregnant with very large babies, or only having one baby, a scheduled c-section may be advised by the Baytown Animal Hospital staff.

What Is A C-Section?

A c-section is the surgical procedure of removing puppies from a pet’s uterus. When the mother is having problems giving birth to the puppies normally, it is done as an emergency.

C-sections are not as common for dogs, but they can be life-saving when needed. If a pregnant dog has been diagnosed with some issues during the pregnancy, a c-section will be required. A second c-section will be recommended if a dog has already undergone one and is once again bred. Most frequently, if labor is taking too long and the dog is at risk, a c-section is performed.

The survival rates of both mother and puppies are improved drastically through a c-section. One of our veterinary surgeons, an anesthesiologist, and a team of nurses will be required to execute the procedure because it involves more than one dog.

When Is An Emergency C-Section Necessary?

  • If your dog started shivering, panting, or acting anxious from 6 to 12 hours ago and there is no sign of delivery yet.
  • If 12 hours pass and no puppies come during the next 1 to 2 hours.
  • When your dog has stopped delivering puppies for over 4 hours and you know there are more puppies left.

Other Signs Can Include:

  • Your pet has been trying to push out a puppy for half an hour to an hour with no success. 
  • Experiencing weak contractions for over two hours without delivering a puppy
  • Any signs of illness such as fever, pain, vomiting, and bloody discharge.

What Is The C-Section Procedure Like?

In dogs, most c-sections are performed unscheduled. The dog has already been giving birth for several hours and is probably dehydrated, so the initial step in stabilizing the mother for surgery is by administering fluids and electrolytes intravenously. Small puppies might suffer harm from general anesthesia, thus we use it as little as possible. All surgical preparation is finished before general anesthesia is administered to help with this safety measure. The dog will be then calmed with medication.

Then, our surgeon will clean and shave the lower abdomen. The area has to be cleaned with extra care because taking antibiotics might cause further problems in nursing moms and small puppies. 

The incision is created from the belly button to the dog's pubis. The uterus will then be raised to the surface with one horn being carefully pulled up and incised as well. The puppies will then be pulled through the opening. If possible, the placentas will be carefully separated from each pup. The procedure will be repeated with the second uterine horn once the first uterine horn has been put back within the body.

The placentas are counted to make sure none are left in the uterus after all the pups have been removed. Each pup will be taken out of its bag, and each cord is clamped before being cut. The appropriate stitching will be used to close the surgical site thereafter so as not to obstruct the puppies' nursing.

Is A C-Section Safe For Pets?

C-sections are perfectly safe for pets and actually result in higher survival rates for both mother and pups than regular extended and demanding labors. There is no alternative way to alleviate pregnancy-related issues. Most c-sections are successful, but the rates of puppy survival can be a bit lower than for the mother. C-sections can sometimes be paired with an ovariohysterectomy if you don’t want your pet to get pregnant again. 

Aftercare And Recovery For A Pet’s C-Section

After the procedure, the mother will be closely monitored by our staff and the puppies will be introduced to her as soon as she becomes stable. This is to help kick in her instincts to nurse. Once they all become stable, they will be discharged to reduce the risk of getting infected.

You'll need to keep a close eye on your dog and her pups when you get home. We will provide you with comprehensive advice on how to look after and monitor the mother and pups, as well as any medicine that may have been given to your dog. Carefully following Baytown Animal Hospital’s recommendations can help you catch any problems early, and you can always give us a call if there are any complications.

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